Saturday, November 5, 2011

Going Solo

"I'm skipping the solo Charleston/jazz/blues/movement class because...I'm not good at that...I don't see the point...I just want to learn moves I can use with a partner...I hate line dances...I never see anyone doing's boring."

Sound familiar?

I'm pretty sure I've given at least one of those excuses in the past. To be truthful, I think I was just insecure about dancing by myself. When you dance with a partner there is some comfort in the feeling that you are in it together. If you think you are going to look foolish at least there is someone else to look foolish with you. When you do solo movement you are all alone up there and it can seem like all of the eyes in the room are focused right on you. The reality is so different but first let me address those excuses.

"I'm not good at that." I don't know about you but I can truthfully say that I am very seldom good at something the first time. If I am, it's bound to be a fluke. I usually have to work at something new over and over again to get to a point where I feel fairly comfortable with it. There are lots of "fails" and plenty of "almost have its" in the process. If I know why I'm making the effort, why what I'm doing makes sense on my quest towards a goal, I'm more likely to put in the extra time and sweat equity it takes to practice something that is initially uncomfortable. Which leads me to...

"I don't see the point" Dancing solo is part of our nature as humans. We all do it whether we want to admit to that secret booty shake when we hear a danceable beat or not. Learning solo jazz, Charleston or blues moves helps us to clarify our movement and learn better overall dancing skills. Doing solo moves helps us to identify the areas where we shine and the places that need more work in a very direct way. Because all solo movement is directed and generated by your self you will quickly find out how well you balance, turn, create pleasing lines, handle fast or slow footwork, articulate or isolate different parts of your body and incorporate your arms. All of that is valuable information for a dancer. If we become adept at dancing well solo, our partner dancing will be elevated, enhanced and more precise which leads me to...

"I just want to learn moves I can use with a partner" Ever do a kick-ball-change in your swing out? How about low-downs or breeze-the-knees? Well then, you are already adding solo movements into your dancing but now you've invited your partner to explore them too. I think of those little extras in the dance the same way I think of adding sprinkles to ice cream. The ice cream is going to taste just as good without them but definitely won't be as festive. Why limit yourself?! There's a big wide world of solo moves that you can incorporate into your dancing and-Surprise!-they are only solo if you do them by yourself. Now you have to figure out a way to learn more which leads me to...

"I hate line dances" One of the quickest ways to get some solo movement under your belt is to learn some of the classic Swing "line dances". The Shim Sham in it's many variations, the Tranky-doo and the Jitterbug Stroll are the most frequently done. You don't have to know the whole routine to be able to have fun with it. If you make a point of jumping in the back whenever the crowd gathers you will eventually pick up enough of the routine to feel comfortable. When you do a routine in a whole room full of people it's hard to feel self conscious. To help refine your skills, take a Shim Sham or Tranky-doo class when they are offered. And about that feeling that all eyes are on your very own stumbling feet in one of those classes-believe me, the other people in the class are so focused on improving their own movement they aren't going to track your every mistake. If you've got a competent and enthusiastic teacher you are going to walk out of that class more informed and with sharper skills.

I'm going to use some visuals to address the last two excuses but before I do, I want to suggest some ways to work on solo movement on your own.

Play some music you are familiar with and like to partner dance to and dance to it on your own. Let your body move in any way the music suggests to you. Now play it again and try to add some of the solo movement steps you know into the mix. Play a different familiar song with a different tempo and do the same.

Choose one or two solo steps you would like to incorporate into your social dancing and practice adding them without a partner at home. Grab a friendly partner your next night of dancing and give them a go. The more you practice on your own and with a dance friend the more successful you'll be.

Don't have a partner and a terrific tune starts playing? Start practicing your solo movement off to the side of the dance floor. Why let a good tune go to waste and others might be inspired to join in your fun!

Check out youtube for solo Charleston, jazz and blues moves. "Pay per move" sites like or can also be helpful.

Here are some videos that illustrate just how awesome and non-boring solo dancing can be. There are plenty more out there to be inspired by.

Here is Sister Kate doing a great routine with Tranky-doo and Shim Sham moves sprinkled in.

These guys make me squeal every time I watch this. Dax and Max showing us how it's done.

Here is some hot solo blues.

Look for the smart use of solo movement in this terrific routine by Skye and Frida.

Your turn!

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