Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Aiming High...Creating Dance Goals

It's that time of year when many us are thinking about making New Year's Resolutions. High on the list are usually things like lose weight and work out more, get a new job, finally clean out the junk closet, etc. but for the dancers in the group I suggest making some dance goals too. Making dance goals will help you to focus on the things you want to improve and kick start the things you promise yourself you will try. Here are some ideas for how to create and achieve your goals.

Randomly list things you want to improve on in your dancing like "work on swivels" or "work on not pulling with my arms in the swing out" Don't make such a big list that you are overwhelmed. Dance goals can change and be added to as your dance year progresses.

Next, think of ways to achieve those goals and write this down where you can come back to it.

Work on swivels.....take a private focused on swivel technique, ask followers I admire about their swivel technique, practice different swivel styles on my own and with a dance friend or two, get feedback from teachers, partners

Work on not pulling....work with a dance friend or two who can point out when the pulling happens, try to be more aware of my own body and why I feel I have to pull, work on changes and ask feedback from dancer friends, private lesson?

Besides technique, have some fun dance challenges for yourself too.

Learn the Shim Sham....take a lesson if one is offered, jump in the back during the Shim Sham and do what I can pick up or remember, ask a dance friend to show me some of the steps, check it out on Youtube

Enter a Jack and Jill....do it with a friend for support, remember to have fun

Think about practice goals too.

Try to increase stamina....run or do fast walking several times a week, solo dance to fast music on my own, find a workout buddy

Go social dancing at least twice a week....investigate local venues, create a carpool to have people to go with.

Some of your goals may be ongoing or constantly evolving around a particular subject-Swingout technique for example-and some of them can be achieved and crossed off the list-learned Fall-Off-the-Log! Do check your list and revise it from time to time. Having something to reference your progress can be really helpful during those frustrating times of hitting that dance plateau we all can experience.

Happy New Year and Happy Dancing!


  1. Me: 1. make a thorough dance music library that I can access easily on computer and ipod.
    2. practice choreography to music without counting the beats.

  2. Those are great ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great to see, Rebecca -- I certainly need to set some goals myself!
