Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Too Old for Dance-in-the-Pants?

The short answer is no! If the music moves you then you can find a way to move. I've seen some amazing chair dancing done by 90 year olds. I don't think of age as chronological as much as where you are physically. I've seen some fit 60 somethings put couch potato 20 somethings to shame. If you have kept yourself somewhat physically active and don't have any major medical problems I say go for it! If you are not sure, then of course, see your doctor.There have been many studies that have proven the benefits of dancing for older people-not just for the body but for the mind and spirit as well. Dancing keeps you young!

The next step would be deciding which dance form to learn. My advice would be to go with the music that makes you want to pick up your feet and glide, bop, twist or wiggle around the floor. If you are dancing to music you love you will most likely stick with the dance. Go online and find a local dance venue, club or community college and sign up.

What are you waiting for?

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